Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Heather's Dos/Do Nots

Heather Do Nots;

#1; I do not give money to a Salvation Army Santa unless he is ringing his bell.

#2; I do not look at myself in the reflection of a storefront window for fear someone inside the glass will see me inspecting myself.

#3; I do not make eye contact with a stranger in a pharmacy check-out line if he or she is buying a product that I do not recognize.

#4; I do not just jump into my car without first checking the seat for cleanliness (applies only when wearing nice clothes).  

#5; I do not abide by the “5 second rule” concerning dropped food when the food is chocolate.

#6; I do not like to clean my bathroom mirror; consequently I have learned to floss “by feel”.

#7; I do not speed up when I am being tailgated if I am going the speed limit.

#8; I do not admit to ever suffering from PMS no matter how moody I have become during certain times of the month.

#9; I do not vacuum but once a week unless there is a significant number of particles on the floor that cannot be identified.

#10: I do not go to the grocery store without first checking my supply of popcorn, microwave pizza, and shampoo.   

Heather Dos;

#1; I do give money to a Salvation Army Santa who is ringing his bell.

#2; I do cheerfully chat with any child who happens to be stuck standing or sitting next to me.

#3; I do look at a sunset, and will even stop what I am doing to do so.

#4; I do get my car’s oil changed regularly (but usually my father has to remind me).

#5; I do check my weight every other day, and [try to] eat accordingly.

#6; I do like to get silly in front of others.
(Heather: “For my New Year’s resolution I’m going to try as hard as I can not to smoke a single cigarette after midnight, January 1st.”
Mindy: “But Heather, you don’t smoke.”
Heather: “I wasn’t looking for anything too challenging.”) 

#7; I do attempt to make it to my fitness center at least three times a week.

#8; I do use SPF 15 sunscreen from April to November, but seldom at night.

#9; I do drink wine, but rarely beer.

#10; I do sing beautifully, even though for some reason my singing seems to make others wince, roll their eyes, and shake their heads, usually in that order.


  1. I'm a morning flosser and I have learned to walk around and multi-task while flossing as I get ready for work. Of course those tasks cannot require hands.

  2. Katie,

    I take the floss out of the medicine cabinet and then turn away from the mirror to floss. I won't even try to walk while flossing. I would probably hurt myself. :)
