Sunday, August 12, 2012

Am I Really No Longer A Girl?

Okay, it could be that I’m no longer a girl. Maybe I’m an actual woman. I know that in many ways I’ve been a woman for about ten years. In the eyes of Mother Nature I’ve had womanhood for about a decade. At the time there wasn’t much else that suggested I was a woman, but as far as my womanly ability to procreate, I became a woman long ago.

Legally I have been a woman for about five years. I am now twenty-three and I could have gotten married without parental consent on my eighteenth birthday. It was also the first time I was of legal voting age. When I was eighteen, I thought of myself as more a woman than I did when I was thirteen, but I still did not consider myself a woman. Heck, I still hadn’t graduated high school or even gone to the prom.

But this is the first summer I did not want to be tanned. Any tan I have is really an accident. This summer I have used a lot of sunscreen. These days I rarely chew gum. When I grocery shop, I sometimes look at the ingredients listed on packages. I do not want to put a lot of salt, sugar, or cholesterol in my diet. When I was nineteen I did not worry about such things, now I do. What’s up with that?

Not long ago I sighed for ownership of my own car. I couldn’t have dreamed of that when I was fifteen. And when I drive I drive more slowly than I did when I was seventeen or eighteen. And now I use my turn signal most of the time. I drink coffee, just like my father does. I have even developed a taste for red wine.

I still do not have any strong desire to get married and start a family, but yet I do not like the sound of “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” anymore. The terms have come to sound too adolescent. I guess the guy in my life will need to be more than a boyfriend, but less than a husband. That sounds like that might be pretty tricky. 

Anyway, I just thought I’d throw this idiotic revelation into my blog while it was on my mind, and I have the time. I know tomorrow I’m going to be busy getting my car’s oil changed. Oh my god, see? Since when do I care about something like oil?            

1 comment:

  1. Everyone has their own definitions of growing up. I always thought having a job would make me a man. Then once I had it then it was having my own car. Got that then I was focused on my own place. It has to keep evolving, its what life is about. Now Heather it sounds like you're on your next journey now as well. You'll just have to deal with the oily bits to get to the better parts of it.
