Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Wussy's Viewpoint

I’m a sissy, a wuss. But that’s not not the only reason why I’ll rarely take a social stance. Truth is, I usually see, and comprehend, the various positions in some controversial issue. Yes, there are times when I will actually ponder social or political issues, and believe it or not, a lot of the time I will see both sides of the debate. Take global warming. I understand the argument from both sides. I believe that the earth’s climate is warming, but I’m not convinced that it is a result of human activity. 

Recently I saw an internet debate where someone was stating that as a business owner, he should have the right to turn away any would-be customer he chooses, regardless of the reason. It’s his business, he contends, and choosing his customers ought to be his right. The poster was making an argument for discrimination, basically. But believe it or not, I understood his point. I disagree with it, but I understood it.

I do not get the argument denying same sex marriage. Are gay people equal to straight people or aren’t they? If they are, then they deserve the right to marry each other. If they are not, then let’s make it official and move them to the back of the bus. Let’s have separate “gay” and “straight” drinking fountains.

Just about the only arguments against same sex marriage are religious arguments. But aren’t we a nation that separates church and state? So, in other words, religious arguments have no grounds. Here in America, the minute a person dismisses civil rights in favor of The Bible, the Koran, or any other religious doctrine, his point of view fails, or at least it should fail. 

Here’s how I see it; murder, rape, theft, these transgressions disobey Biblical teachings, but that’s not why they are illegal. These criminal actions are illegal because they violate the civil rights of the victim. Gay marriage does no such thing. Gay marriage is illegal for no other reason in that it offends people’s religious beliefs. In this small but real way, American culture is no different than Pakistani or Saudi culture where religious beliefs can trump human rights. As a proud American, the mere thought of that bothers me. It bothers me to the point where I’ve put my fingers onto this computer keyboard and written about it in my blog. And that’s saying something, because I’m a wuss.


  1. I'm going to give you an "attagirl".

  2. The world would be a much finer place to live if people could always view conflict in this light. In my mind, every ongoing argument today remains unsettled because they all boil down to someone's opinion on something. We live in a grey world where everyone expects black and white.

    I like your thoughts, it's nice to know there are people out there who still use their heads as more than hat racks.
