Saturday, March 2, 2013

Getting Going Again

It's really early in the morning (for me), but yet here I am; taking the time to put some dumb post in my blog. 

Okay, I at first thought about calling this entry “Starting Over”. Then I considered “Beginning Anew”. But both titles seemed too extreme. This is going to be at least a little bit about restarting life after the end of a two month relationship, not a 25 year marriage. I think I'll use “Getting Going Again”.

I have to admit that now that I have decided to finally stop waiting on my ex-boyfriend Chris to return, I have felt surprisingly liberated. I am still sad, to be sure, but I’m also getting a sense of liberation. To put it simply; I just feel a little better, a bit less depressed and a little more energetic. If you do not know about this Chris-thing, I have written about it a lot in previous blog posts.

A girlfriend and I did some shopping yesterday evening and I actually found myself gawking at a guy or two. I haven’t been guy-interested since that terrible last day with Chris on Valentine’s Day. Apparently a bit of my libido has also become liberated.

I've made up my mind and today and tomorrow I’m actually going to be doing constructive stuff. It’s not going to be exciting stuff, but it is going to be constructive. I'll be partaking in a lot of apartment cleaning. There is this nasty, grungy film that’s coating my bathroom sink. I’m not sure exactly what it consists of. Maybe I ought to send a sample to a lab for analysis. Hopefully it is mostly soap deposits, but there also could be traces of hairspray, make-up, nail filings, toothpaste, and mouthwash in the mix. No sink cleanser though.

My bathtub isn’t much better than my sink. In fact, my entire bathroom is not exactly operating room sanitary. The bathroom alone might occupy about two hours of my time, and it’s a small bathroom.

The contents of my refrigerator need close inspection too. There is some old stuff in there. I have some split-pea soup in a sealed bowl that I’m sure is now mostly mold. I have glanced at the container now and then over the last few months but have never bothered to throw out its contents. I figure that since it is in vacuum-tight Tupperware, it can’t do any harm, so why mess with it.

A few months ago I decided I would add raisins to my diet. I bought a 15 ounce container of Sun-Maid raisins and then two days later never ate another raisin. I just never got in the habit. The 14.9 ounces remaining might still be good, but I’m probably not going to risk finding out. Old food worries me. But I checked and the girl on the Sun-Maid logo doesn’t yet have gray hair. So that’s good.

I have a lot of dust I can work on too. A guest to my apartment might think that the seat of my seldom used extra kitchen chair, desktop, and the surface of my end table are actually a shade of dust-gray and not various colors of wooden-brown. And who knows, someday I might actually have another guest.

My windows are really bad. Every time I pull open a shade and look out, I swear it's a foggy day. Then I realize it’s actually my unclean windows playing tricks on me. On the other hand, anyone on the outside who happens to look in through the hazy windows must think my apartment is full of smoke. It’s a wonder a neighbor has not called the fire department.

Geez, I just reread this post. Maybe my sense of humor is starting to return too. I mean, my apartment needs cleaning, but it’s not really that bad.

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